Fairmount Ministries is looking for volunteers with our campus ministry! If you have a heart for college students and a willingness to serve on a regular basis, below is a broad description of what that all might entail. We ask you to prayerfully consider if God is calling you to serve at Fairmount during the 2023-24 school year!
Attend and help regularly at campus ministry events (which may include weekly gatherings on Tuesday Evenings as well as occasional fellowship events, service projects, and special events such as retreats and mission trips, etc.)
Build relationships with college students.
Serve as a mentor to our college students, offering prayer and encouragement.
Work with staff to identify special areas you can use your gifts and talents to serve the ministry.
Attend occasional planning meetings and monthly training and planning meetings (currently on 2nd Thursdays at 6:30pm).
If you are interested in becoming a Campus Ministry Adult Leader, please fill out our Interest Form and we will be in touch!