volunteers needed!

It's time for the annual Fireworks Tent Fundraiser! Not only is this event a huge blessing to the Fairmount Ministries & Coffee Co, it's a BLAST! We need the help of the Fairmount Community to make this happen.
Last year we had over 700 volunteer hours and raised $10,000! Every hour spent by a person volunteering on behalf of Fairmount at the tent impacts the amount we raise! Last year we had a goal to triple our hours (which we nearly did). This year we would love to go above and beyond last year's goal and reach $12,000! Will you help us accomplish our goal?
These funds will be used to further the outreach endeavors through Fairmount Ministries and Coffee Co.
The Fireworks tent is located at the NE Corner of 159th East and Kellogg Rd. in Andover (1600 E, US-54, Andover, KS 67002). It is a big white tent. Look for the signs that say "Tent City!"

Work at the tent as much as you are able to! Shifts range from 4-6 hours and you can work as many shifts as you want. If you cannot work the whole shift due to work or other prior commitments, that is ok. Just let us know what arrangements you need to make in the comments when you sign up.
June 24-26
Set up, stocking, inventory
(subject to change if weather does not allow)
June 27-July 5
The tent opens June 27 at 8am. We will need cashiers, stockers, and help at our new raffle booth! Varieties of shifts are available morning, afternoon, and evening! Come when you can and get ready to have a lot of fun!
Tent Hours:
Thursday, June 27
8am - 10pm
Friday, June 28 – Saturday, June 29
8am - 11:59pm
Sunday, June 30 - Tuesday, July 2
8am - 10pm
Sunday, July 3 - Friday, July 5
8am - 11:59pm

All ages are welcome to join! Children make great helpers with stocking, unloading carts, bagging items, and more! We do require that children under 14 be accompanied by an adult.
This is a great project for you if you need community service hours for your school or organization! We will be happy to work with you to provide proof of your hours worked!