We love our Volunteers! Our volunteers are the heart of our ministry and play a vital role in all that do to accomplish our mission of making disciples! Today we want to introduce you to Karen Hall! We asked Karen to share about herself, her role, and what Fairmount means to her!

Name: Karen Hall
Role: Council Member
Current Occupation: Retired Realtor
Tell us about your family. I am married with 1 daughter and 4 grandkids!
What's your favorite food?: Cooked
What are you listening to on repeat right now?: Joan Baez
Favorite band(s)/artist(s)?: Don Williams
Favorite Book/Author: Michael Connelly
What do you like to do in your free time?: Quilt
What are your current dreams, goals, aspirations?: Travel freely again
Where do you go to church?: St. Andrews Lutheran Church
What's your go-to Bible verse right now? Why/How does it speak to you?: Be still and know that I am God. (Psalm 46:10) I need to remember to take a deep breath, slow down and give it to Jesus.
What is God teaching you right now?: That His Grace is unceasing.
How are you connected to Fairmount? Share your history with the ministry and why you are involved?: They thought I was a gardener.
What inspired you to get involved at Fairmount?: It is God at work.
What does Fairmount mean to you?: It is a place where His peace can be found.
How has God worked through you in your time at Fairmount?: I can be an encourager.
What is your favorite Fairmount treat?: Lemon Rosemary Scone
Is there anything else you'd like to share?: It is fun to be part of such an inspirational place.
Though she says, "they thought I was a gardener," Karen has been instrumental in the expansion of our community garden and connecting us to important resources! We love having Karen's calm and encouraging presence, and sense of humor in our ministry. Karen, you are a blessing to work alongside!
We are always looking for more volunteers to get involved at Fairmount, to use their gifts and talents to further God's kingdom. If you are interested in getting involved, volunteering with us, visit our website at fairmountministries.org/volunteer to get plugged in!
Are you interested in getting involved in our outreach with the University & Community? Visit our website at www.fairmountministries.org/volunteer to learn more about getting plugged in!